Unfolds are works exploring the fabric of life (Swedish: livets väv). It touches on the inevitable difficulties of existence in conjunction with the grander perspectives of a universe in continuous expansion. In the words of Rumi: "The wound is the place where light enters you". Holy texts from different cultures often speak about vulnerability, or a humble/broken heart as a basis for mankind to be in touch with the Godly/The Holy. C.G Jung described the proximation to our human core, the Self, as an experience of this sublime state. As we journey through time and space we weave an interconnected fabric of life as single threads becoming one.

Waxing Crescent Moon - 2023

Moon Triptych - 2023

New Moon - 2023

Full Moon - 2023

Sinusodial Cord - 2023

Delta 0.5-4 Hz - 2023

What Are You - 2016

Vessel - 2018

Earth Piece - 2018

Quintessence - 2018

Timeless Motion - 2017