The mandala exists all over the the world and is an ancient symbol for wholeness, completion, integration, soul, infinity and cosmos. It consists of the primordial shape, the circle, sometimes divided in symmetrical sections.

September 4 2017 Mandala 30
Drops of earth in ongoing motion. Heavy heart. High spirit. Hug. A world in sorrow. Yet sprouting. Deep beneath. I'm holding you open. Free. Flowing tears. Healing rain. Mineral and smoke. Embrace.
September 21 2017 Mandala 47
Fractal falling. Dervish dance. Forever falling into trance. Well of Mimer. Indras net. Secrets. Whispers. Nightwish. Slowly turning. Diving into faith. Holding dewdrops in awe. Swans singing interludes of glory. Lucid.
September 24 2017 Mandala 50
Supreme being. Centerfold. Magic mysteries yet to unravel. Encompass. Charity. Humble fortress of treasures. Simplicity in motion. Birds flight over treetops. Vibrant strings. Crystal garden. Lotus star.
Precious moments. Now.

October 3 2017 Mandala 59
Steady hand. Steady mind. Satisfaction of simplistic perfection. Clean. Pure. Concentrated essence. Knowledge. Wisdom. Grounded in roots of trust. Strong willed. Light heart. Independent. Fierce and flowing pearl. Perfect vision.
October 4 2017 Mandala 60
Animated emotion. Filling to the brim. Restless agitation resting in habit. Behind. On top. Ever changing perspectives. Easing in. Finding form. Dancing swans. Cups of woman. Divided and whole. Prison or portal. Curiously changing.

November 25 2017 Mandala 112
Winter-water. Mirrored moon on glazed surface. Ever present depth. Nurturing well. Soul compass. One eye wisdom. Drum-dance in the stillness. Resting in the palm of elementals. Distinct awareness.
December 6 2017 Mandala 123
Wu-wei. Following the subtle streams of soft spirits. No pushing. No pulling. Only giving in. Trusting. Sensing. Seeing. Guiding the flow. Supporting the now. Supporting the system of Self in spontaneous expression. Subliminal.
December 13 2017 Mandala 130
As all sorrows sail to the shore of soul, the shaman sheds tears for one and for all. Gathering each precious drop to drink, tasting the salt and the sadness. Standing steady, strong and tall. Serene and still, a soft force in the midst of madness.
December 14 2017 Mandala 131
Fervent feelings. Simmering fondness. Past tales, future saga. Same seeing. Different landscape. Shifting me. Stranger you. Still the same. We. Striking image. Iris Imagination. Drum dance. Translucent trance.

Aura upgrade.