Part of a complete art piece consisting of 366 mandalas painted each day stretching from 6th of August 2017 to 6th of August 2018. An art journal, a meditation, a spiritual metamorphosis over time. Not yet exhibited. The project is an ongoing investigation of multicultural modes of relating to the mandala symbol as well as a meditative ritual to keep expanding. A process-based daily habit to stimulate a subtle stirring of the soul. It requires discipline, planning and the willingness to surrender in many ways.
The mandala exists all over the the world and is an ancient symbol for wholeness, completion, integration, soul, infinity and cosmos. It consists of the primordial shape, the circle, sometimes divided in symmetrical sections.
The mandala exists all over the the world and is an ancient symbol for wholeness, completion, integration, soul, infinity and cosmos. It consists of the primordial shape, the circle, sometimes divided in symmetrical sections.
The circle is a unifying shape. Every human being have a relationship with the circle. From watching the sun, the moon, looking into the eyes of another, following the horizon, to resting in the womb and finally enter into the world through a narrow round opening, the circle is a constant companion.
Each mandala in this series of daily paintings was accompanied by an automated text and posted on Instagram for followers to join and contemplate.